A Deer in an archaeological excavation drips away the Aphrodite’s head. A summer girl wants to be adorned by choosing as an accessory a banana and a strawberry that will be back in fashion this year!A pillar looks sad and it is really, because is being bothered by a sharp object. (symbolically speaking perhaps about my country’s-Greece- sufferings)
A spacecraft in the form of a heart feels disturbed by the same angular sharp object mentioned before, while carrying a heavy cultural cargo. Yes the ”heart” is crying. The summer girl is it time to be perfurmed and dips into a lily. Who am i to judge? The tear is time to meet the cause of its existence, who am i to stop it? While on the radio we listen to a very strange lyric that goes ”he returned with a bouquet of sorries just to ask me a windflower.”
This is a mini story of surreal times, that can be worn, used as an artwork for the wall and it is open to interpretations!
*Panos was my model for this photo-shoot. He is a musician and a private employee. When i first met him,i thought he was kind at heart then i realized that he was charming too. We became friends. He loves to say the word or the expression : ”ελα ησυχασε” that means calm down in Greek language. And the interesting thing is, that he urges you to calm down even if you are already calm like the flowers or even strawberries on a sunny day! 🙂