Available in both twill and organza silk – 95×95 cm
Jason was a Greek Mythological Hero who took in charge the Argonautica in order to claim the throne of Iolkos, that rightly belonged to his father Aeson, and later to him, from his uncle Pelias. The ”touchstone” that Pelias imposed to Jason, in order to deliver to him his throne was the Golden Fleece, guarded by a ferocious Dragon. Owing to this quest Jason called forth the most courageous men of Greece and finally with Medea’s help managed to succeed in capturing the Golden Fleece. However Jason was not chosen by mistake to lead this impossible mission. Raised by the great centaur , Chiron, was taught Medicine among other natural sciences. The very name Jason derives from the Greek word ”ιασθαι”(iasthai-iasis), that means ”to heal”. So Jason is the man who heals, who owns healing-medical skills, capable of accomplishing any battle. But at first ,in order to be able to heal, is necessary to be able to feel. To feel in terms of the inner self’s experience and then be able to express and share with other people the results of your ”inside tour”. Nowadays the ”inside” conflicts, the infighting within ourselves, are the most dangerous and difficult to conquer. While i was created this illustration, i realized and felt that as Jason did, by seeking and finally conquering the Golden fleece which also stood as a symbol of prosperity ,everyone should do in order to keep up with the difficult rhythms of self and reality. My verbal interpretation was ” To Feel Secure, Seek For the Cure”. Thus by seeking , most of the time even unconsciously, each one, the ”cure” that applies to his/her situation and inside conflict, is the medium to face his/her difficulties ,and by doing so a special kind of internal security and confidence can result. A self healing process is suggested that can offer the journey to self efficacy.