On the occasion of the call of Natasha Makowski and Flowering Rock Gallery in Boston , US , on February 2020, a new project was created!My first presentation of artworks took place during covid, fact that prevented the smooth running of the exhibition.
However a body of work was formed , based on deal, an agreement, a conspiracy between ”things” that touch each other with their edges and nature so a kind of movement is transmitted, as their properties and their effects are transmitted. Α common way of life is imposed, a pluralistic system is created. A cosmos -a world, that forms a chain with itself, as Michel Foucault explains. A cosmos that must fold towards itself, to reflect on itself, to chain it together so that things can look like each other.
My intention is to connect things , to bring things close that were not meant to meet, or find themselves in the same place. Impossible affinities is the topic of this visual dialogue and a series of works first presented at the Flowering Rock Gallery in Boston on February 2020. Through a decorative anarchy, symbols appear creating a reality that springs out with a special entropy of an increasing tendency. I use photography as a special kind of make up. A make up that somehow cancels the reality of my selected heroes, of my building materials only to recreate it. So my ”crew”, reinvents itself to diffuse unity among its members ,that lose their identity in order to contrive it again and mutually charm one another.